The Messenger from Madisonville, Kentucky (2024)

1 'K MADISONVILLK MESSENGH TUESDAY. MAY 10. 195S fa*gK TWCLVI jwiug'p Human Guinea Piss "Eat 10 a. Jr. Hi decorating committee; Western party and square dance given by 7th grade for 8th.

grade. Atomic-Exposed Food i 4 I 3 (V Hopkins Youth Center Calendar Tuesday 7-10, Games. Wednesday 7-9, Art class. 1 Thursday 6:30, Student Council election of officers; Diann Morris Jitterbug class. Friday Games.

Saturday 2.30 4 a. breakfast after theatre party, arranged by High School PVT. R33SH11 OPEN 6:45 STARTS 7:15 TONIGHT and WEDNESDAY ROBERT MITCHUM LORETTA YOUNG IN "Rachel And The Stranger IB (XE3S TONIGHT. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY GLENN FORD IN "THE BIG HEAT' PLUS "BAD BLONDE" FOUR INJURED NEAR BEULAH Four persons wort injured this morning when this tractor trailer collided with this car on Ky-109 north of Beulah. Behind car is State Trooper James Darnell.

Emerging from the right side" of the truck cab is driver Wiley Delewson. (Messenger photo by Eddie Gaines) DENVER, May 10 IM Nine con-i scientious objectors are eating food treated with atomic radiation ao American soldiers of the future may not have to battle the traditional tin can. At Fitzsimons Army Hospital here they are experimenting to see how much nutrition is retained in food when it is preserved with radiation instead of stored in cans. Maj, Gen. M.

E. Griffin, Fitz-simons commandant, joined the nine volunteers their first such, meal Monday with Lt Chi. Carl J. Koehn, of the medlcat nutritional laboratory. A hospital spokesman said there is no danger in eating the foods.

The only significant change observed in the, irradiated foods (m experiments on animals), he said, "was a minimum loss of vitamin content which is similar to the slight loss of vitamins in heat-canned foods. Davy Crockett's In Town, Lives On South Spring (Continued From Page One) drops and essences. Although the greatest chaps in creation tor brag and sarce, they always play possum when there is danger; and skulk out the back door over the fence in no time. With their ribbons and trash they are enabled to make love to the gals with every ad vantage over the real natives I was once courting a fine little gal on Swamp Creek, in Old Kaintuiky. And so on and so on.

winding up with a threat to skun the varmint and a kick administered to a basket of vuls of essence with which the peddler sought to beguile the Kentucky al We wish we had space for all the yams, but will have to con tent ourselves with the brief sam pie quoted above. HOME OWNED Top Reds In TFrsmo To Organize Commie ISA TO Bids Asked On Asphalt By Council Bidsfor approximately 7,000 tons -of mixed asphalt to be used in street improvement was ordered by the Madisonville city council at its Tegular session last night The bids will be opened May 23. The streets to be improved wdl be designated by the councd. They are expected to be practically all in residential sections of the city, it was said today. City Treasurer J.

Malcolm Jackson in his report for Aprd disclosed the city had $52,840 92 in its treasury at the close of business on May 1. The Apru report of City Clerk Lamoine Barton revealed that her license fee collections for April totaled $2,269 50 This included $26 20 for sale of automobde and motorcycle licenses. The city council transferred from its light and water fund to the general fund Claims were also allowed The Municipal Library board submitted a report showing that there was $4,081 86 the treasury on April 1. Robertson Is Referee For Dispute WASHINGTON, May 10 National Mediation Board today designated Francis J. Robert on of Washington as referee to decide unresolved the Lbuisville Nashville strike dispute The strike, by an agreement worked out -tv-to- end-tomorrow morning in its 59th dav Robertson will hold arbitration hearings here for four days on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday Then he is to write up his recommendations on the health insurance and other issues The and the striking nonoperating unions have agreed to take the referee's recommendations as final on the issues submitted to him Chairman Francis A Neill Jr of the mediation board said he expected the arbitration to be finished and the recommendations incorporated into a written agree ment in a weik or Police Judge C.

C. Hardwnk, White Plains has returned home after a brief visit in Madisonville Tides Maine's Passamaquod-dy Bay average 19 feet, says the National Geographic Society. in Washington, Maj. Gen. K.

F. Hertford, chief of Army research, said the radiation may preserve a greater variety of foods with far better taste and texture than available from conventional methods. Atomic radiation, he said, may increase the potential for servicemen by permitting use of highly perishable foods now avoided for want of refrigeration facilities. Ai TODAY and WEDNESDAY TWsie loon eouZKNKO the man who actually lived the spy story of the decade The fantottic story of a run away ogont who carried a nation1! top Mcrofs in on pochot-ond timo bomb In tho other I HOME OPERATED START 7:10 JEAN SIMMONS WAITING ii STICKERS" ADMITTED FREE COUNTY COURT Roland Blackburn, charged with Wl assault and battery by striking e. abusing Paul J.

Pryor, trial con tinued without setting date. TODAY THROUGH THURSDAY Your heart will sing with joy "A Man Called Peter Deluxe RICHARD JEAN TODD PETERS 0 WEDNESDAY TITLOR MHACf COWLING )AMfS WWIMOOf (All Tax Inch) Esod'I Iherire MOSCOW, May 10 Premier N.kolai Bulganin led a Soviet delegation to Warsaw today feu- the birth of the Communist version of NATO The Moscow radio announced the delegations arrival! by plane in the Polish capital Foreign Minister Molotov, and Defense Minister Georgi Zhu- kov accompanied the Premier for i the Suv let bloc security confer--ence which open-tmorrowThe delegation also included a number of top officials from various Soviet' Ri publics The conference was called to 'pool the armed fuiets of the Soviet Lmon and its seven East European under a joint com TODAY and Verdict In Arson Case Expected This Afternoon MA mand The eight nations had pledged in Moscow last Dec 2 to take that action if West Germany were rearmed fi A declaration following the Moscow meeting said "AH these measures are in conformity with the inalienable rights of states to self-defense, are in conformitv with the L'nited Nations Charter, and with previous agreements directed against remilitarization of Western Germany The. Paris treaties' granting sovereignly to the Bonn Republic and enrolling it in the North Atlantic Alliance, wenl into effect last week When that was assured, the Communists on Mav 3 announced their plans for the meeting in the Polish capital. Trooper David Burklow, it was said today, Sai ah Lynn vs Kenneth Lynn 'plaintiff granted divorce. Mildred Fox vs William Fox Plaintiff granted divqree Parties executed written contract settling their property rights and providing for custody, care and maintenance of their infant daughter.

Richard Dillingham vs Barbara Dillingham Plaintiff granted divorce Anna Sue Runk vs William 1 Ear! Runk Plaintiff granted di- varce Parties executed written agreement providing for the custody and maintenance of their two 1 infant children 5 Margaret Kahlow Vs Kah-, low Motion of the plaintiff for a rule against the defendant to show 'cause why he should not be held 1 in contempt of court in failing to obey a restraining order of the i court evidence heard by Judge Bailey. There Was also a motion tu increase the bond'of the defendant filed with court at the same time Both motions have been taken under advisem*nt by the court. Local Merchants Talk Brazzle Road Projects (Continued From Page One) Tonight Wednesday Thursday 4T Truck-Auto Crash Hurts 4 Four persons suffered injuries at 8 30 a today when a trailer truck and a car collided on Ky--109 one mile north of Beulah. Believed most seriously injured, and first feared dead, is Ira Duncan, 71, of Manitou route two, Hopkins County Deputy Coroner Harley Stokes was enroute to the scene, having been notified that Duncan was dead, when the Manitou man regained consciousness. Stokes rushed Duncan to Hopkins County Hospital, where the other three injured had already been taken.

The other injured are. Agnes Duncan, Manitou route two, and Edna Harris, Nortonville, both passengers the Duncan auto, and Wiley Delewson, Cobb, Ky route two. driver of an Arnold Ligon Truck Line tractor-trailer. Full extent of the four persons' injuries had not been determined at noon today. Slate Police reported that the Dunian car pulled from a side road and was smashed by the tractor-trailer.

State Trooper James Darnell investigated the mishap. 122 Graduates For MHS On Kiay 20 (Continued From Page One) olvn Sue Baker, Jewell Dean Blake, Beverly Rav Brown, Shirley Ann Brown, Sheila Ann Bur- ton. Anna Joyce Cartwright. Gladys Jewell Cates, Joan Clay-ton, June Clayton, Martha Helen jColhgnon, Nancie Ann Coyle, Martha Cunningham, Lois Jeanette Day Wanda Dickerson, Mary Ste-gar Dollar, Anna Lee Dutton, Au-drc Gladolia Fireline, Marlene Jovce F'lreline, Burkie Fitzgerald. Sheila Morton Fox, Jo Nell France, Doris Jean Franklin, Peggy Gentry, Beverly Ann Gipson, Rita Juanita Guge, Noretta Hamby, Marlon LeVon Hatley.

Lula Belle Hendricks, Martha Elizabeth Howard, Marjorie Nell Hunt, Mary Carolyn i Jackson, Yvonne Joyce Jones, i Margaret Dean Keeler, Francis I Louise Kerrick, Shirley Decoma Key, Janie Ruth Kirksey, Nelda Gene Kirkwood, Wanda June Kirkwood, Julia Faye Laffoon, Annette Outlaw, Patricia Parish, Joyce Parker, Joyce Patterson, Ruwena Pendley, Jean Pharris, Mary A Phillips, Sally Place, Anna L. Potts, Sharon Prow, Eugene Eicholz, Franklin Delano Ezell, James Denms Farris, Brad Leon Franklin, Jerry Grant Garrard, Odell Gibson, Roy Jackson Gibson, Carl Goins, Harold Lynn Greenfield, Mar- Jacobs, Virgil Duane Kington, Robert Lacy Martin, Johnny Dexter McClearn, John lunn Bryan McGee, Barney Owen MU- eny; chell, James Vernon Montgomei Darrel Moore, Jerry Nance, R. Oldham, Dewey Pendley, Lowell Preston, Cleates E. Purdy, Carol Stemfeld, Wayne Teague. Tom Toombs, Harold Whitmer.

Tommy Porter and son Claud, Madisonville route 2, were in Madisonville today A. Brown, Nortonville, for mer resident, was in Madisonville today. lave five or six miles travel for a lot of Madisonvillei good cue tomera. SHOWS RORY CALHOUN "A BULLET IS IN TECHNICOLOR PLUS VaniXHINSON-JolmHODIAK Ricardo MONTAUSAK George MURPHY ALL IN FORDS WITH "WEST Tomorrow MAY 112 SHOWS PAinrDAIIkmC DOORS OPEN ADULTS SI. 20 Bring Thi 8:15 rAIIl7KVJUFIUd PM Children 55c Family HAVE A PIECE OF PIE NOTHING LIKE IT BEFORE! 150 PEOPLE! 46 BIG ACTS! DEATH DEFYING AERIALISTS -WILD ANIMAL ACTS-DAREDEVILS I NOT JUST ANOTHER CIRCUS FAMOUS ACTS FROM t's home-made and its good1 We serve honesi-fo-good-ness home-made pies apple, cherry chess, pecan, chocolate and coconut.

Do come in and have a piece of pie, soon! TV'S SUPER BIG T0P7es ALL TOGETHER iN MIGHTY 2b HOUR. SPECTACLE! DON'T MISS IT! ROBARDS Walgreen DRUGS ACROSS FROM THE COURT HOUSE Giorgia Nuhols Madisonville Ntg-o woman went on trial in Hopkins circuit court here this morning on a charge of arson of a dwelling house in which she and her husband, James Nichols lived Evidence was completed before noon and the case was to be sub nutted to a jury earlv this afternoon after jury arguments by James Powell commonwealth attorney pro tern for the prosecution and VV Tapp attorney for the defendant I Young Posts Bond 1 (ldford Young. Madisonville indicted on an assault and battery-charge bv the current grand jury, deft ndant arrested on a bench warrant i.nd executed $250 bond to await 'trial This will probably he set for the next September term Young was indicted after resisted arrest and attacked State Only few tolpoovM lUm Point Irgtfc ond Idfer Goonor twdd for my 10-nftvfe loon op. 7S PINT Sponsored by MHS PTA ROGERS BROS. whom he talked are in favor of Joyce Ray, Judy Renfro.

Marilyn the all year road Archie Moore, Richards, Jho Ann Roberts, Bette another speaker for the McLean Robertson, Jane Robinson, Sylvia delegation, said Road 154 or the Root Jean Rudd, Margie Scott Brazzle Bridge road as it is Called' Frome Smith, Jane Smith, Wil-would be a big help to Madison- mi Smith, Peggy Sullivan. Shelby ville if completed. I Tapp, Anna Vannoy, Carole Whit- Malonay Rssdt Lsttsr i ledge, Mariana Williams, Ann State Senator W. Maloney, Winstead, Jean Wood, Ann Wright, called upon for remarks, stated he Sue Yarbrough, wished it were possible to buijd 1 Joe Adams, David Earl Alex-every road in Hopkins county adder. Wesley Owen Bowles, Wtl-whieh needs improvement He re- llam Thomas Brinkley, Lynn Pace called the 1948 road plan for the Bucker, Melvin Ross CarhsleV county which called for 140 miles James Edward Clarke, Don Gary of construction, and said that all Clayton, Robert Gene Comette, but four have been built, and that, Tom Corum, William Ross Craw-one of the four is the Brazzle frL John Crowl, Donald Mel-Bridge road The road is in the I J1' Daniel, Michael Wayne Day, fourth district.

Senator Maloney, -ee Hoy Downey, Jimmy Wayne said, and asserted that when the THike, George Crowe Duncan, Allen MARSHALL THOMPSON IER0MT COMHM0 SURE YOU DO! SHOW DON question of a choice of roads came up sometime ago the magistrate the district asked for nine miles on the old Madisonville-Henderson road preference to the Brazzle project i for kitchens, bathrooms, ell woodwork washes like based enamel The Senator read to the RMA vm Greer Gregory, Johnny B. an April 277 i923rirtter Trom f- Hale John Moynahan commissioner of rural Hams, Carol Efruce Higgins, highways, who said a survey of ter Ejwin Higgins, Charles 1 If nwiitAll tr a vs Maxwell No undercoater needed One coat covers most Dries to a rich subdued gloss LSk in 3 to 4 hours yvv Big selection of beautiful colors jr Applies with Brush or the Brazzle road has been ordered and will be completed before long. The Moynalian letter concluded: It is my intention to build this road when the survey and plans are completed and the right of way acquired. i Senator Maloney said it had never been the intentioMq by-pass the Brazzle Bridge road, and that with reference 'to a Pond river bridge at Jewel City the project is up to the army engineers. L.

K. Hickman quoted County Judge L. R. Slaton, who was called from last nights meeting, as saying he would do anything in' hn power to build the Brazzle road. Mr Hickman for his own part said the road would benefit more people than any other road going out of Hopkins county, and would -j 7 EVERYONE ELSE RUDY LUMBER CO.

PHONi 1042 WILL SEE IT! BE OF 1001 iHRILLS! 0 i I i niiHlIagw ni I i.

The Messenger from Madisonville, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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