MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (2024)

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (1)

Sep 16 2009, 11:20 AM I've played this it's awesome. great idea and great game good work.

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (2)

Mario brothers
Sep 16 2009, 2:04 PM Downloading...

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (3)

Mario brothers
Sep 16 2009, 2:05 PM I bet it is great.

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (4)

Mario brothers
Sep 16 2009, 2:12 PM How do you select a level on the map?

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (5)

Sep 16 2009, 9:37 PM Press N. N is also the jump button for Mario.

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (6)

Mario brothers
Sep 16 2009, 10:20 PM Thanks {a}!

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (7)

Sep 17 2009, 9:08 AM this is good game i think you will gett.

A 10/10!

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (8)

Sep 17 2009, 12:46 PM DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE! This game is awesome!

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (9)

Sep 17 2009, 5:57 PM Hey,I press N and nothing happens when I try to select a level!

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (10)

Mario brothers
Sep 18 2009, 2:33 AM Go to the player 1 cotrol options.

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (11)

Sep 19 2009, 2:26 PM I'm still going to download this, but it annoys me when games that use MP3's and require a separate sound pack simply release their MFGG version music-free instead of throwing dialup people a bone and bothering to put together an MIDI version.

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (12)

Mario brothers
Sep 19 2009, 5:25 PM The updated ones are better.It has more levels, Yoshi,and a lot of stuff.

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (13)

Sep 19 2009, 8:15 PM

Quote (Myuu on Sep 19 2009, 2:26 PM)

I'm still going to download this, but it annoys me when games that use MP3's and require a separate sound pack simply release their MFGG version music-free instead of throwing dialup people a bone and bothering to put together an MIDI version.

The complete game is only a 29MB. That's not bad at all considering that it comes with 50 mp3s..

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (14)

Sep 19 2009, 10:57 PM what are the controls? cuz I can't get past the title screen(thats when you know its a hard game)

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (15)

Super Luigi Fan
Sep 20 2009, 1:34 AM

Quote (YoManRuLz on Sep 19 2009, 10:57 PM)

what are the controls? cuz I can't get past the title screen(thats when you know its a hard game)

I have the same problem. The demo also still had bad control. And when I plugged in my N64 and PS2 controller, the controls were messed up! Can somebody help me here? Is there and option to select controls? WHAT ARE THE CONTROLS?!

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (16)

Mario brothers
Sep 20 2009, 2:35 AM Try to press enter and go to p1 control options.

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (17)

Sep 20 2009, 8:55 PM congratz man, this game is my 3rd downloaded game on this website, and i think it will be fun.

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (18)

Sep 22 2009, 12:29 AM You can modify the controls. Navigate the menus with the arrow keys and Enter, and you should find the controls editor.

Quote (Redigit on Sep 19 2009, 8:15 PM)

The complete game is only a 29MB. That's not bad at all considering that it comes with 50 mp3s..

Well, that's still 3-4 hours with me. Have you ever even had dialup? I'm sure people who have always used broadband can't even comprehend how slooowwww it is. It's not my fault I don't have high-speed internet either, I live on a hill in the middle of nowhere, and the only high-speed internet available to me is $80 per month satellite, and I'm not rich enough for that. No offense, but I'm just too slow for MP3s.

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (19)

Sep 22 2009, 9:35 PM

Quote (Myuu on Sep 22 2009, 12:29 AM)

You can modify the controls. Navigate the menus with the arrow keys and Enter, and you should find the controls editor.

Well, that's still 3-4 hours with me. Have you ever even had dialup? I'm sure people who have always used broadband can't even comprehend how slooowwww it is. It's not my fault I don't have high-speed internet either, I live on a hill in the middle of nowhere, and the only high-speed internet available to me is $80 per month satellite, and I'm not rich enough for that. No offense, but I'm just too slow for MP3s.

Dude, I have the same problem! My dial-up is slow as molasses, and that's because I live in the boonies! Don't ever use NetZero, Myuu.

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (20)

Sep 23 2009, 1:35 AM Very well-executed interface and massive size, but only average levels. Downloading the game and not having any music was also a disappointment.

I couldn't get past the second wall of that tedious, frustrating cave level (Level 15 on the editor) where you use Buzzy shells to bust up the wall. How do you access the portable cannon there?

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (21)

Sep 23 2009, 3:11 PM

Quote (VinnyVideo on Sep 23 2009, 1:35 AM)

Very well-executed interface and massive size, but only average levels. Downloading the game and not having any music was also a disappointment.

I couldn't get past the second wall of that tedious, frustrating cave level (Level 15 on the editor) where you use Buzzy shells to bust up the wall. How do you access the portable cannon there?

Throw the shell up to break the brick and drop the spring.

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (22)

Sep 24 2009, 12:17 PM Redigit, I added a review.

Talking directly to you, this is one of the best games me and my brother played EVER! I think you deserve a gold medal for this game, serious.

No joke, we both, my brother and I, had joysticks. It was so fun, especially when one of us died, we laughed. There was a flaw on one of the levels though, where you had to be big to break the brinks. My brother died and when I hit the mushroom block, he came out... however, we were stuck and the pipe wouldn't let us go back in. So luckily we saved, but had to restart game.

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (23)

Sep 24 2009, 2:16 PM

Quote (Syr on Sep 24 2009, 12:17 PM)

Redigit, I added a review.

Talking directly to you, this is one of the best games me and my brother played EVER! I think you deserve a gold medal for this game, serious.

No joke, we both, my brother and I, had joysticks. It was so fun, especially when one of us died, we laughed. There was a flaw on one of the levels though, where you had to be big to break the brinks. My brother died and when I hit the mushroom block, he came out... however, we were stuck and the pipe wouldn't let us go back in. So luckily we saved, but had to restart game.

Awesome, I'm glad you like it!

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (24)

Sep 24 2009, 8:51 PM anyone with high-speed, can you pm me all the file names of the music file, then I could put midis in the place of them(might not work, but its an idea)

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (25)

Sep 26 2009, 1:22 AM

Quote (Redigit on Sep 23 2009, 11:11 AM)

Throw the shell up to break the brick and drop the spring.

Thanks! I didn't know you could throw the shells upwards.

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (26)

Sep 26 2009, 10:10 PM No reviews yet? Maybe I will, when I finish it. Which could be a while, this is loooonnng by fangame standards and I'm not playing for long sessions.

EDIT: Or, maybe I should leave to the reviewing to people who downloaded the music. Or not. I'll decide when I'm finished.

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (27)

Sep 27 2009, 1:47 AM Why don't the P-Switches work? I might do a review if I can beat it, but I'm stuck on the switch level.

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (28)

Sep 27 2009, 4:55 PM

Quote (YoManRuLz on Sep 24 2009, 8:51 PM)

anyone with high-speed, can you pm me all the file names of the music file, then I could put midis in the place of them(might not work, but its an idea)

It wouldn't work, The game is only programmed to read mp3's, And I know because im a Beta tester(and level designer + moderator, but thats not the point).
Even when you make levels with custom music it can't read MIDI's. So sorry mate.

PS. Nice game redigit, Mario here!

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (29)

Sep 28 2009, 12:09 AM

Quote (VinnyVideo on Sep 27 2009, 1:47 AM)

Why don't the P-Switches work? I might do a review if I can beat it, but I'm stuck on the switch level.

Me too! So it's not just me! Why would you release the game with a glitch so huge it actually prevents you from advancing? Does the glitch only occur to people who don't get the sound pack? That doesn't make any sense!

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (30)

Sep 28 2009, 12:26 PM

Quote (Myuu on Sep 28 2009, 12:09 AM)

Me too! So it's not just me! Why would you release the game with a glitch so huge it actually prevents you from advancing? Does the glitch only occur to people who don't get the sound pack? That doesn't make any sense!

Hmm.. I didn't think about that. The switch is actually tied to a music file. If downloading the whole game is impossible for you then stick a MP3 file in the music folder and rename it to smw-switch.mp3.

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (31)

Sep 28 2009, 12:53 PM my review has been in cue for a few days.
BTW, my brother and I just beat the princess cliche. Bowser was annnoying sometimes XD
When one of us didn't pass through the door, he waitied there to kill us. (when we played as small Mario)

Dude, please, please, PLEASE MAKE THIS AN ONLINE GAME. It will be a hit. Two players per game room or something like that. This game and its engine deserves recoginition. Online game, two players per room or something like that.

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (32)

True Mario
Sep 28 2009, 8:36 PM

Quote (Syr on Sep 24 2009, 12:17 PM)

Redigit, I added a review.

Talking directly to you, this is one of the best games me and my brother played EVER! I think you deserve a gold medal for this game, serious.

No joke, we both, my brother and I, had joysticks. It was so fun, especially when one of us died, we laughed. There was a flaw on one of the levels though, where you had to be big to break the brinks. My brother died and when I hit the mushroom block, he came out... however, we were stuck and the pipe wouldn't let us go back in. So luckily we saved, but had to restart game.

It does look interesting, but I can't go and download games right now.

The reason I quoted you: You know, 1000/1000 isn't any higher than 10/10 ( Which IS still pretty high. ;) )

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (33)

Sep 29 2009, 1:14 AM

Quote (Redigit on Sep 28 2009, 12:26 PM)

Hmm.. I didn't think about that. The switch is actually tied to a music file. If downloading the whole game is impossible for you then stick a MP3 file in the music folder and rename it to smw-switch.mp3.

Thanks, I fixed that, replaced it with one of the preloaded MP3's that came with the computer. It's gonna sound weird though...

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (34)

Sep 29 2009, 12:30 PM

Quote (True Mario on Sep 28 2009, 8:36 PM)

It does look interesting, but I can't go and download games right now.

The reason I quoted you: You know, 1000/1000 isn't any higher than 10/10 ( Which IS still pretty high. ;) )

:P lol quotes. Gotta learn to luv em XD

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (35)

Oct 3 2009, 1:57 PM I think I will give this a good review. When I'm done, at least. I am advancing fairly slowly. But so far, I have enjoyed the game. I'm on the first airship level right now.

P.S. one thing of note is that this game, like no other program on my computer, has a tendency to overwork the computer. It begins to overheat the computer, which responds by kicking its fan into high gear. Very rarely has that happened before now. My guess is the fact that while enemies don't spawn till you get to them, they don't despawn if you don't kill them, overworking the RAM and processor until you finally finish the level or enter a pipe.

Even more odd, however, is that in spite of this, the game does not lag, and I have played laggy games that didn't overheat the computer.

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (36)

Oct 4 2009, 11:23 AM This is the best. I played it co-op with my friend, and we were BOTH suprised how non-gimmicky it was. I expected it to at least jump, but it did not even that. Once the screens were practically together, they merged, and split when they weren't. Of course, it was harder to play with split screens, so we tried to keep close to stop the split.

The 3 storylines were awesome. I've only been able to complete The Princess Cliche now, but that's because i haven't played it TOO much. I'm on The Great Castle Adventure now. :P

I only have 1 problem with this game, the level editor.
1. It dosen't fit onto the screen
2. The interface is awkward. (Try making it go more like Mario Builder - Except allow settings to be set for the block before you place it.)
3. None of it is explained.

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (37)

Oct 5 2009, 9:52 PM this game has every thing you can expect from a mario game and more the idea to use bullet bill cannons as weapons and create your own level is amazing 10/10

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (38)

Oct 7 2009, 12:16 AM the p switches don't work

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (39)

Oct 10 2009, 2:20 AM Hey, can someone help me, i download the game, but every time i try to play it says:
Runtime error '53': file not found.

does anyone know how to fix this?

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (40)

Oct 10 2009, 11:34 AM What is the secret exit in Rawest Forest and Undergroud Battle Zone? There's no key and keyhole on the level editor there's a path linked to it. Because I beat Birdo.

EDIT: I found it -_-

MFGG - Mario Fan Games Galaxy (2024)


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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.